Current projects

There are a number of projects we are involved in around the cemetery, these include improvements to pathways, general clearance of weeds and overgrown areas and the encouragement of wildflowers. We'll also be undetaking a wildlife survey and tree identification in order to get a full picture of the biodiversity of the cemetery and what needs to be done to both conserve and further encourage wildlfe.

October 2023 - Cemetery Main Entrance

We recently began making improvements to the entrace of the cemetery by clearing weeds and overgrown shrubs. We will be continuing to work to improve this part of the cemetery as the weeks go by. There'll also be a new noticeboard appearing by the cemetery entrance soon.





November 2023 - North Chapel

The North Chapel (Roman Catholic Chapel) has been identified as a base for the Friends group. It is here we hope to hold public events and meetings once we have made improvements. We are about to begin this by clearing weeds and debris from around the chapel and the counci is currently doing some interior improvement works to allow us to explore the full use for the building.

November 2023 - Steps

The set of steps just after the West Lodge have been overgrown with weeds etc. for some time. These steps make for convenient access from the upper level access road to the lower level pathway.  Our recent work has cleared the steps and made them safer to use, particularly for those wishing to use the handrails.

November 2023 - Compost Bin

There's a lot of green waste created in the cemetery from overgrown shrub clearance and decaying plantlife and it was felt that a compost bin would be a useful addition to the cemetery.  Our team were able to source some used wooden pallets and subsequently built a compost bin that will help create natural compost material for use back in the cemetery on our future planting schemes.

February - March 2024

It's been a wet few months but we've been busy tidying and improving the space as best we can, clearing away fallen tree branches and shrubs and continuing to remove weeds etc.  We'll start planting spring/summer flowering bulbs shortly.

April 2024

On a beautiful Saturday morning members of the group undertook a bird survey across the cemetery. We found a wide range of bird species including Goldcrest, Jay and Chiffchaff. The results of the survey will help us look at options for supporting the current bird population and developing opportunities to attract new species.

May/June 24  Yew tree project

The Yew trees in the cemetery are an important part of its history. As an evergreen tree, the Yew is symbolic of everlasting life and rebirth; it was held sacred by Druids in pre-Christian times. Yew came to symbolise death and resurrection for the ancient Celts which continued into the Christian era; Yew branches were carried on Palm Sunday and at funerals for many centuries. 

Those in the cemetery have been at risk from invasive species such as bramble and ivy and as such we decided we would embark on a project to clear away those species from around the many Yews in the cemetery. It is an often difficult task but one we feel is worthwhile if it protects the Yew trees. The Yews also offer a great nesting place for birds who also eat the fruit, as do small mammals, including squirrels and mice.